Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Monday 3 June 2024

You have to be kidding...


Gradually retreating from the plants the party tried shooting at them... never going to work on vegetables. Malice slashed a few tendrils of one of the jellyfish looking things but it didn't slow them. Happily,they were slow to start with anyway so...

The doors opened in all the houses. Alice looking round. 'You've got to be kidding. ZOMBIES!!!'

As the zombies moved forward the plants seemed confused... then the church door opened and a lady in black stepped out. 'C'mon over here kids, it's safer'...

Vicki recognised her... 'Elvira? What are you doing here' 'Long story kid. Save it for next time.'

Meanwhile the zombies were regretting their sojourn. It appeared that carnivorous plants preferred rotting flesh to live flesh..

Leaving Alice and Mindy acting as the rearguard...

Being a few notes on the reasons why this one played out the way it did...

The villagers farmed and controlled carnivorous plants for some reason. When the zombie virus hit it 'split' the villagers, creating zombie bodies and disembodied (but visible) 'ghosts' - their 'souls'.  These souls could control the zombie side to a certain degree and, feeling threatened by Alice and co, fled inside and released the zombies to defend themselves. Meanwhile, the carnivorous plants hadn't been fed for a while and were hungry... Alice and co represented food. However... carnivorous plants usually like decomposed bodies as the nutrients are easier to absorb. Instead of killing Alice and letting her body decompose they were suddenly provided with a source of already decomposing food in the shape of the zombies... much better...

Moral of the story is that we need to start developing motile carnivorous plants as protection for when the zombie holocaust happens.


  1. The preference for decaying flesh is a Day of the Triffids reference, maybe?

    1. Actually just a general observation on how carnivorous plants work - they kill their 'prey' then use the decaying bodies as fertilizer

  2. I'll sleep more soundly for that info.

  3. Oooo good. It won't last...

  4. This is rather like having a cheese induced nightmare.

    1. That would explain some of it. still working on a few props...
