Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Busy couple of days.

 This morning visit to hospital for checkup re kidneys. This afternoon Diabetes Review at the Doctor's. Tomorrow dental checkup.

Busy couple of days :(


  1. Kidneys working OK (85%), steroids reduced, diabetes review went went well. Still dentists then July includes diabetic eye test and a memory assessment to see how much damage has been done by the meds and whether or not I'm starting to develop dementia!

  2. So far so good, keep it up!
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. All the best. I found dropping red wine out of my evening diet helped lower blood pressure considerably and slowing down bread consumption... I do dread the annual MOT though!

    1. Blood pressure has never been an issue. Bread we always get wholemeal - this is a sacrifice as bacon sandwiches always taste better on white bread. As for red wine - tend to drink mostly white - red wine, years ago started twinges of arthritis, was in the school staffroom and in a discussion with another teacher realises that could be it. Stopped the red wine, twinges went away. Went to Spain on a holiday, thought I'll test - week of red wine, twinges came back. Hence mostly white wine...
