It's one thing spending loads on a few figures and then ages painting them up - but if you want large panic stricken crowds running away from/getting trampled by monsters it doesn't work as well. You need a cheap and cheerful rent-a-mob for that.
So had a trawl through eBay for cheap architectural models. Slimline, not at all like chunky wargames figures, they are not only cheap, you can get them cheap and ready-painted...
Bought a pack of 50 listed as 1/50th scale for £6.59 - and as a 'trial' I also bought a pack of 100 ready painted 1/75th figures to see if I could use them for anything - well, at £3.18 painted...
One reason for looking at the 1/75th figures was because I came across another site,
Langley Miniature Models, - expensive but, used in conjunction with bulk cheap figures, might be of interest. It's a massive range - you can get them unpainted as well. If I was really, really... really rich I would seriously consider building up a circus or fairground using their figures. As it is, I have acquired some Lledo circus pieces - looking now at a bit of scratch building a few items to go with them.
Crude paint job and only a few poses - I can live with that,would have preferred more sitting figures in this random mix. |
The taller, thinner architectural figures don't fit all that well with the smaller of my metal figures. |
Likewise, the 1/75th scale figures are both a bit too thin and short in comparison with the bulkier metal figures. Probably a mistake to have based the architectural figures on 3mm thick bases though. |
This is where the smaller figures come into their own. The tall figures are a bit too tall, the 1/75th together with the smaller metal figures look a lot better next to the monsters.. |
So, overall - should have some uses for both sets of figures. It's a matter of matching them to buildings and scenarios - I'm not about to use the 1/75th figures with the 28mm Newhaven buildings, but with smaller buildings and most terrain pieces should be fine - the Lledo buildings and some Lledo cars should be fine, some are listed as 1/76th anyway.