Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Garrison Syrian Archers

 OK, first thing - this is one of my 'failed' conversions... the conversions themselves are a bit below standard and the moulds aren't casting all that well - I did this lot a couple of years ago, sorting them for painting I got a dozen useable figures from about 50!

Basically the top half used to be a peltast, bottom half one of the robed figures, new arm with bow attached and quiver added on back.

It's based on figure 24 from the first edition of 'Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars'. Useful as a generic Syrian/Babylonian one shot wonder in the armies of both the Persians and Successors.

These painted figures look OK, it's just that I think I would struggle to get the quantities required to equip my Garrison armies. To put the numbers in perspective, WRG has up to 50 of these in an army - but that 50, depending on the army list, could be LI, LMI, MI or Hordes. Which would give a total requirement of about 200 figures.

OK, that has been achieved with my Minifigs armies,,, must do an updated post on that...  so begging the question 'Why do I 'need' the same in Garrison' At best, that question will only result in a puzzled look on my face. I mean... it's what I do...

Sunday, 29 May 2022

PE13 Persian half armoured infantry with spear and shield

Having completed a 48 man complicated paint job I thought I'd do an 18 man simpler figure as a follow up...

I admit I like PE13. Sadly, I don't really have a good mould for this figure. Likewise, it's more a fantasy Persian figure rather than historical Persian figure, so I have limited use for it really. Still, it's one of those figures that just seem to embody everything I like about Garrison in terms of it's pose and general style.


Thursday, 26 May 2022

Immortals finally finished...

 If I ignore the card buildings, it's 3 months since I finished painting the last unit.

This one is a 48 strong unit with the front rank being (original? classic?) Garrison Immortals, back rank conversions. I don't really like the original figure - the spear is very much a weakness and snaps easily.

Still haven't had my eyes tested, but to a certain extent I've used this unit as an opportunity to 'test' my new eyes by giving them heavily patterned robes.

Haven't counted them, but the unit involved painting a total of 4-5,000 'dots' on the figures!

When I do conversions, I usually do half a dozen. Acouple are painted up to see how they look. Others are used for the mould. In the case of the Immortals there are three slight variations.

Monday, 23 May 2022

Some conversions by Steven

 At least one member of the family is getting some wargames stuff done!

'I have been doing the kind of minor conversions you always do to add a bit of variety to my German infantry. Mainly added zeltbahns to a few figures. I have given a wristwatch to a couple of figures, which is a detail further than most would go!'

Sunday, 22 May 2022

Pond, cos still not doing anything relating to wargaming...

The pond is finished with the exception of fish and gravel edging.

'Gravel edging' is a rather loose term - the intention is also to include a gravelled seating area at one end of the pond...


Virtually all of the marginal plants have been planted at the other end.


We do have two other 'ponds'. This one is an old sink stuck just off the patio area. It proved very useful in growing some of the pondweed for the new pond.


The other 'pond' is an old bath dug into amongst the plum trees. It provided most of the flag irises in the main pond and is due for refurbishment (ie, a pond liner and clearing.) Both these ponds are items we inherited when we bought the house.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Second eye done

Short post - not really supposed to be on computer.

Second eye done, again no problems though vision is blurred this time. Blurred vision should clear up in a few days, though can go on for 2-4 weeks. I was told that 85% of people report that the second operation can lead to increased sensitivity - well, bright lights are brighter, but the operations mean that I have now effectively  taken off a yellow tinted pair of sunglasses!

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

A pond update

 Still very much  a work in progress...

Most of the planters around the side are basically place holders - I'll sort out the final mix later.

The surface is covered with blossoms, catkins and leaves blown there by the highish winds. Again, pond plant placements are very much temporary. No fish yet - I'll wait a month or so until the plants have had a chance to grow and water to age a bit.

Talking about plants, bought a load for the planters that were descibed as 'plugs'. I have a different idea what a plug is - this lot I consider to be seedlings. They've all been potted up by me and will go into the planters when ready - more for next year than this!

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

First eye sorted

 Actually done yesterday, but not supposed to use computer for a while! Probably shouldn't be doing this now.

Operation went well, seems to have worked. It has certainly made a difference to my colour vision - basically, looks like they've taken out a yellow filter from my eye. Everything is far brighter and blues are massively different - left eye dull and washed out, right eye everything bright and colours turned up! Best way of describing it - looks like the whiter than white ad from those old washing powder adverts.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

OK, Reached 70

Which, a couple of years ago, seemed unlikely to happen...

So time for champagne from our 40th wedding anniversary plus lumpfish caviar and gravilax salmon...


Operation on cataracts in a couple of days but... still got a load of stuff from Frontline so that I can do rooms for Pulp scenarios. No idea when I'll be in a fit condition to paint them!


Meanwhile, pond has now gone from being a firepit to a pond... it's still filling as I'm typing this... I'll issue an update later when it's planted out!


Meanwhile, various wildflower meadows from last year starting to flower - mostly still Honesty and Corncockle, but Oxeye Daisies and Cornflower seem to be coming through. Hoping for a good displasy over the next couple of months.

 So, perhaps not true that life starts at 70 (or whatever year is the next decade in your life) but, to be fair, things OK at the moment...