Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Saturday 11 February 2023

The Cairn Line of Steamships Co. Ltd.

Specifically, the Cairnesk III - part of my family history. My dad was an engineer on board - actually, at the same time as the author of the book also worked for the Cairn Line as a Cadet! No idea if they ever met. A very useful book.

Sandra found this book while doing family history thing. Full of pictures and the history of the Line and it's ships. Well worth getting

This is the ship he served aboard as 5th and then 4th Engineer. The book mentions the ship quite a few times and even includes a plan of it. Very useful - I only had one very small photo of the Cairnesk before. There is another photo in the book showing the Cairnesk docked in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1953, the ship mainly going between the Tyne and Canada. Very useful having a seaman in the family at that time... the UK still had rationing...

It was also the ship he was on when he married my mother. The ship's officers presented him with a clock - it's not working any more and currently sits in a cupboard. He left the Cairnesk to join the Queensland in October 1951.


  1. A nice family connection Rob

    1. It is, thanks, now to find out more about his next ship, the Queensland...
