Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday, 30 November 2023

42/45mm US Police

Although concentrating on 20/25mm Persians at the moment, I'm still keeping my eyes open for other stuff. Saw this lot on ebay, put in an offer, larger scale police force sorted.

Size wise they fit in nicely with the large scale monsters and aliens figures I seem to have acquired...

42mm to eye level, 45mm to top of the head 44 figures  all told, already blue so might just paint hands, faces, boots belts and weapons. 43 figures, £15 total, just under 35p each - I'm happy with that.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Some spare figures...

 ...that were lying around, so I painted them.

To be fair, I've got quite a few of these painted up already. J/Bw/Sh armed figures used to be the mainstay of my Persian armies in the 70s.

Although bow armed, and should therefore be on Bw bases, I'm treating them as  line spearmen and put them on Sp bases. When you play solo games it doesn't matter anyway.

Very simple, quick paintwork - more of an aside rather than a fully fledged attempt!

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Second Kardaka unit


I've cast one more unit after this. Could always cast more in the future if I like.

This lot based on a slightly different late tunic patter. They're coming out OK.

Certainly binging on Persians at the moment. I'm part way through a unit of J/B/Sh unit at the moment, meanwhile I'vs also got a Minifigs 'S' Range unit to do.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Persian Kardaka

A couple of years ago I mentioned possibly doing some Greek infantry as helmeted Kardaka.

Took a while, but these are the result.

As a major troop type in some later Persian armies I suppose I should do a few more units...


Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Impulse buy - Gormenghast


Not really an impulse buy - been on my 'must get' list for years - the impulse bit is that I just decided to make it 'now'. Found a cheap second hand copy on ebay and bought it.

Monday, 20 November 2023

A balsa WW1 tank


Don't know when I made this originally - it's been sittimg looking green and sorry for itself for years. Probably carved in the 80s or 90s.

Anyway, given brass tubing guns, spayed wolf grey, decided I liked that colour so didn't overspray it green...

Flag is a paper flag downloaded from the internet, tracks are just paint. Simple purely toy/wargames model.


Saturday, 11 November 2023

'S' Range 1 piece cavalry

Over the last few years I've been gradually getting together  some of the Minifigs 'S' Range one piece cavalry castings. In some cases I've only got one or two figures and I'm not fully confident in my identification of them all.  It just seemed about time I put everything together in one place. Which should and will be the Pages section, but I was half way through putting them here before I thought of it!

AAC1S Assyrian Lancer

AAC2S Assyrian Horse Archer

AGC1S Gaul Lancer

AGC3S Gaul or Hun Horse Archer. Could be Byzantine, might even be a JohnBee figure rather than S Range.

AGrC1S Greek Cavalryman. I've listed this as the Greek based on the helmet crest. Could be Macedonian...

AMdC1S Macedonian Cavalryman - or could be the Greek...

APC1S Persian Lancer

APC2S Persian Horse Archer

APhC1S Philistine Lancer

SMC3S Cataphract. Could be one of the other cataphracts of course.



Thursday, 9 November 2023

Sarmations. Could be Scythians...


One of my more neglected armies. These are one piece castings - the original was never (as far as I know) released and was a two piece casting. The one piece version I produced was easier to cast.

I also produced a one piece figure on an armoured horse, used here as an officer. What I didn't do was produce one with a half armoured horse. The standard bearer is simply the standard Sarmation cataphract on an unarmoured horse and with a late Roman standard - there is a mould of this figure as well.

Although Sarmations, these figures would serve just as well as Scythian heavy cavalry. I can see this being a very useful unit in future.

This is a picture of the force that these are joining. Not a very big army yet.

  Need more Sarmations.

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Steven - latest tanks

'It has been a while since I sent you anything, but I have now finished a new batch of tanks. I spent

some time practicing my airbrush technique on other models, spraying them multiple times until

satisfied I could do a decent job. Unfortunately, the photos aren’t great. I changed the settings to

take photos of something else since my last batch of miniature photos, and obviously haven’t got

the settings right yet.'

Figure 1 Panzer III commander's tanks

Figure 2 Panzer IV platoon

Figure 3 A teaser for my next mini project. These are the not-Mortal Kombat characters from Crooked Dice (left to right: Raiden, Goro and Scorpion). I am trying some different basing methods

Friday, 3 November 2023

Late Persian light cavalry

This is that late Persian light cavalry unit. By my reckoning I need one more...

Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars says that late Persian light cavalry were armed with two javelins made of cornel wood - as Garrison didn't make such a figure these ones are conversions.

Dragged in every direction...

So a while back I started going through my backlog of 6mm buildings. As part of that I ordered some commercial buildings to let me do the lot in one go... They arrived today.

Meanwhile the ones I was already painting seem to have been shunted to one side as I painted all those Warrior figures... With plenty of other 'still working on' figures in the background...

And this lot I haven't even started painting...

As part of the Warrior work I needed to cast some Persian officers and standard bearers. Naturally I took the opportunity to cast and paint some Persian light cavalry, here glossed and waiting for bases.

Meanwhile undercoating a bunch of Sarmatian cavalry...

While this lot could probably be finished in one or two 10 minute sessions.