Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Saturday 11 November 2023

'S' Range 1 piece cavalry

Over the last few years I've been gradually getting together  some of the Minifigs 'S' Range one piece cavalry castings. In some cases I've only got one or two figures and I'm not fully confident in my identification of them all.  It just seemed about time I put everything together in one place. Which should and will be the Pages section, but I was half way through putting them here before I thought of it!

AAC1S Assyrian Lancer

AAC2S Assyrian Horse Archer

AGC1S Gaul Lancer

AGC3S Gaul or Hun Horse Archer. Could be Byzantine, might even be a JohnBee figure rather than S Range.

AGrC1S Greek Cavalryman. I've listed this as the Greek based on the helmet crest. Could be Macedonian...

AMdC1S Macedonian Cavalryman - or could be the Greek...

APC1S Persian Lancer

APC2S Persian Horse Archer

APhC1S Philistine Lancer

SMC3S Cataphract. Could be one of the other cataphracts of course.




  1. I had a few of these in my youth. Thanks for posting the pictures, it took me right back…
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. My own metal collecting days started about a year or so after them.

  2. Great figures - especially the Cataphracts (Super Heavy Cavalry!)

  3. Nice to see so many of the old one piece Minifigs cavalry - were they S range or pre-S range? - I'm not sure myself. I have the odd one or two but they don't turn up often. Distinctive way the shields are decorated with the heavy rims and incised decoration. I do like the horses though - animated beasts!.

    1. As far as I know, the 'S' Range followed on directly from the JohnBee Range, so I would say they are 'S' Range.

  4. I do like them, some great figures there, if I was pushed I would say the horse archers are my favourites but all look good. Thanks for posting the pictures up.

  5. All very nice but I particularly like the Gaulish lancer.

    1. The real nice thing is that everyone has a different favourite!

  6. Lovely classic Minifigs…
    I remember having a few of these in my youth.

    All the best. Aly

    1. I must have missed them by a couple of months.

  7. Perhaps those Greeks with the larger shields are mounted hoplites. The others may be Macedonians

  8. That's the way round I've got it. I'm currently sorting out a few things re identifying 'S' Range Greeks and Macedonians. Quick example - seems to be 2 different styles of shield with the 1 piece... look at the shield rims... might take a few days to sort out contradictions... some of my figures suggest the small shield could be Greek....look up my Atlantis posts - my Atlantean army seems to be either 'S' Range Greek or Macedonian!
