Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Steven - latest tanks

'It has been a while since I sent you anything, but I have now finished a new batch of tanks. I spent

some time practicing my airbrush technique on other models, spraying them multiple times until

satisfied I could do a decent job. Unfortunately, the photos aren’t great. I changed the settings to

take photos of something else since my last batch of miniature photos, and obviously haven’t got

the settings right yet.'

Figure 1 Panzer III commander's tanks

Figure 2 Panzer IV platoon

Figure 3 A teaser for my next mini project. These are the not-Mortal Kombat characters from Crooked Dice (left to right: Raiden, Goro and Scorpion). I am trying some different basing methods


  1. Those tanks are very cool - what scale are they?

  2. Thanks, they are 15mm. Pz IVs by Battlefront, Pz IIIs by Plastic Soldier Company

  3. Lovely work on those tanks Steven.
    And nice work with you basing Rob.

    All the best. Aly

  4. Impressive - those tanks look very nice indeed!

  5. Love the tanks! With that sand and grey mix are they destined for Tunisia?

    1. They could certainly work as tanks in Tunisia, but are specifically intended as Eastern Front, 1942, like the tank at the top of the link. I wanted grey, but a bit more interesting than plain grey
