Figure based on Elvira - had to buy it! Bought from Hayland Terrain. Not the most subtle of figures, but a must for pulp horror! |
A place where Ancient Ancient armies can peacefully retire to... Possibly. Oh, and some pulp. A few things on 6mm SciFi tanks and stuff. And the toy soldiers. Especially the War of 1897... And now I seem to be starting on 20mm Napoleonics as well! email
Assyrian army

Friday, 31 May 2024
Thursday, 30 May 2024
Alice and her gang
So this is Alice and her latest bunch of friends... |
Alice and Malice. Been around for a while... |
Bad Squiddo school girl vigilantes. The one in the cloak is obviously based on the girl in Kick Ass though with a different paint scheme. Should note that seeing this photo I've 'corrected' the face around the mask area! |
And here's Dorothy. The gang haven't joined her yet. |
Finally, one of the Black Tree figures. |
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
A Scythian test piece
Thought I'd do another test piece To try out the paint pens... |
The white paint didn't work so well as too much came out... |
I remembered that the Assyrians used Cimmerian and Scythian mercenaries and allies, so I've undercoated a load of Scythians to join the Assyrian army... |
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
25mm Garrison Assyrian spearmen A3
Assyrian spearman A3 based with shields to the front. This figure carries an Egyptian shaped shield, really based on a misinterpretation of the large Assyrian curved, round topped body shield. |
The figures should probably been based with this view to the front... I just prefer showing the shield. |
And back view. I should probably have painted these wearing stockings and boots; again I went for the look I preferred. |
This is the second of the three armoured close order infantry units I've decided on - the third unit will be composed of the armoured archer from the chariot set.
Monday, 27 May 2024
28mm LK II
At the moment I seem to be working very slowly on several different things. This is the German WW1/Interwar LK II by Empress Miniatures I bought at Partizan. |
As usual I've just gone for a straight block colours paint job, no fancy shading or weathering... |
The Pz1A is in the (long) queue...
Sunday, 19 May 2024
Partizan 2024
So to Partizan - which I personally much prefer to Salute...
So started taking photos after I'd bought various essential items. Took about four photos then camera said the card was full. |
![]() |
So that left photos taken by Steven. This shows the Omaha Beach people getting their trophy for best game... at the time Steven was on the other side of the table playing the game... |
As I said, I just got a couple of pictures of the 'Very British Civil Forum' game... |
And some of the models used. Nice looking set up. |
So back home, everything on the card sent to the backup drive and deleted from the camera. Which means I was able to record the day's expenditure. Empress Miniatures provided the only things that I had actively intended to buy. They'll supplement the figures I got from Mike. Panzer 1A and LKII tanks. Their IndianaJones "Mark IX Beast Tank' had a prominent place in that Very British Civil Forum" game but... card full, no picture... |
Already got Alice, how could I not get the Hayland Dorothy and the Gang. And if doing pulp horror how could I miss a model of Elvira... |
Various paints - lots of people doing Vallejo, AK paints from Great Escape Games.. |
Finishing with a paint brush top up. |
Steven bought more than I did...
Saturday, 18 May 2024
F2 Stock Cars, British Championships
Something to do the day before Partizan...
Adrian Flux Arena King's Lynn...
I just look at things like this differently to most people. They had a merchandise store... Though sadly none of the cars matched anyone competing. |
F2 stock cars... in theory, 1/62nd scale, in practice look more suited to 1/76th. Apart from stock car racing possibilities (easy to make a track) I was thinking pulp road warrior type conversions... |
Trouble is they've probably/possibly cut into my Partizan spend.
Thursday, 16 May 2024
The Movellans.
Androids from the Whoniverse who fought the Daleks. |
Wednesday, 15 May 2024
25mm Garrison Assyrian LMI
Decided on thisunit as a test unit to see how useful the paint pens could be in a 'real life' situation. |
Personal opinion? Very useful. On the other hanhd my son Steven had a go and decided they didn't suit him... |
Really should have taken the photo before the gloss varnish... Anyway, base, green clothing, flesh, inside of shield and hair/beard all painted, rest used paint pens. |
Shield was painted bronze, everything else paint pens - lot quicker and more accurate - though, to be fair quite a low starting point. I was very happy with the way they coped with helmet crests. |
Final verdict? Very useful. Negatives include how long the nibs may last, limited useful colour range available for wargames purposes, can't cope with undercuts or tight spaces, not sure how available individual colours may be available - but sets are cheap so not really an issue.
Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Sunday, 12 May 2024
28mm Very British Civil War
At least, they used to be. Now they are liable to be involved in other things. |
More figures from Scotland, they even came with their own transport. |
As well as standard bearers and a machine gun. |
Biggest unit (or could be two) are the Boy's Brigade. You will notice, probably because of their origin, there is a definite Scottish theme. |
The small contingent of regulars brought an 18 pounder to the party. |
This lot seem to be the local townsfolk acting as a militia. |
Now this lot look very Russian... |
The Scots themselves seem to have up to three units. As I recall from 1897, a number of Scottish militia units in the late 19th Century did wear grey. |
This lot are in tarten trews... |
While this lot got the tin hats. |
While this lot got the tin hats. |
Saturday, 11 May 2024
25mm Garrison Assyrian 4 horse chariots
Well that one took a while to finish... |
Some of the paintwork was done using my new pens, for example the light blue in the white triangles on the chariot cab. |
Also some of the decorations on the rein dividers. These paints are going to prove very useful in the future! |
Friday, 10 May 2024
Wednesday, 8 May 2024
Lady of Mystery
This is the £1 32mm figure I couldn't resist at Salute. On my screen, it's 6 x bigger than real life - the real life version looks alot better! |
Almost makes me want to start collecting 32mm figures - it's a really good figure! |
One thing I tried when painting her. I bought some Acrylic paint pens to see how they would work - used them for her shoes, coat trim, hair and gun highlights. Look like they could prove useful. |