Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday, 17 May 2018

A minor scene of chaos?

I'm not very tidy and I don't always put things away. Likewise, I rarely find myself working on one thing at a time. I have recently taken over the sofa area of a spare room for photographs and the odd minor battle but it also seems to be a temporary storage area as well, anyway, walked into the room, looked at the area and thought...

So, here it is. A very good example of 'me' in action...

An overview of the scene...

The sofa itself showing Atlanteans, sf tanks and Tigers!

A load of Garrison 6mm sf tanks - cast years ago, undercoated months ago, completed in the last couple of days.

Tigers from Norwich... initial respray and waiting for the job to be completed. Plus odd Atlantean stuff-in-progress.

Sarissa church. My 28mm buildings tend to appear everywhere - big and awkward to store.

Of course, that lot were just a few bits of overflow chaos. This is my normal painting station. It would take too long to go over everything in that picture!


  1. I had a secretary like that in the livingroom. The idea was I could be upstairs with the Wife while I painted and it could be closed up when company came. I worked well for that but it was the cugar boxes of paints and figures along with bits of wood and metal rod stacked all around it that were the problem.

    I feel very much at home with those photos

    1. That much used and much loved writing desk was a Christmas present when I was about 13 - it's seen a lot of use over the years.

  2. Wow! That is incredibly tidy! (In comparison to mine)

    I like the cavalry on the top shelf above the desk in the last photo.

    1. The small cavalry are an ebay purchase on plastic horses currently waiting to be remounted. The ones sitting directly on the desk are a couple of half painted 1897 jobs.

  3. I see nothing wrong at all, does that mean it is far too late to seek counseling ? lol

  4. Perhaps I should have done a close up of the painting area...

    Counseling is always an option though.
