Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Sunday late morning

 Sort of an interim post of where it stands as I've now put on the sides of the cruiser and wheelhouse - so looking very shiplike.

This how it currently stands. First major decision - 3 masts or 2? Should be 3 - 1 in front of the wheelhouse, 1 between the guns in midships, 1 behind second funnel.Not sure if that would make everything a bit too crowded. Also, how do I do the masts? The thicker the dowel I use, the more crowded. Likewise, how do I do the sails? Furled or not? What's the best way to represent sails on this size model? Likewise, what colour will I finally decide to paint the funnels? Comments welcome!

On the idea that I could add a couple of Nordenfelts, I plced a couple of guns on the wings of the wheelhouse. Conclusion? Yes, very practical. I think I've got a couple of 20mm Jacklex guns lying around somewhere, just don't know where. Or could use 28mm Reviresco guns. Or make my own. Decisions, decisions.

Slightly irritating ones - the card on the sides of the hull have dried a bit wavy but not really noticeable when the ship is fully assembled. I cheated with this - A4 card is too short to cover one side so I bought some A3. Everything else I've used on this model I already had. Second issue... the glue has changed the colour of most of the ink on the decking to a greenish colour! Hasn't happened to this extent before! Possibly too much glue has caused some of the colour to preferentially migrate under the paper?

So this post is more of a 'this is where I am at' rather than 'this is what I've done' - seemed better than putting all this in one post together with the masking part.


  1. Furled Sails I think, with an option ro show smoke coming out of the funnels. (Perhaps wire painted black with the smoke glued on and holes drilled in the funnels so the smoke can be inserted or removed??). If the sails are in use, the funnels will be all but hidded and the ship will look if anchored or tied up at a wharf, quay or jetty.

    Black funnels I think, just for the look, I've no idea what's right.

    1. sighhh all but "hidden" and look "odd" if anchored......

    2. Actually, I'm doimg the sails as 'plug in' - easier to store - so could finish up doing both.
