Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

The completed fishing fleet

3 lobster/crab boats and 2 steam drifters. 20mm figures fit in quite well.

For future models I'll make the wheelhouse about half as long - it tends to over dominate at the moment.

The steam trawler looks good. If I ever decided to make a more detailed model I would have to make it a bit longer to fit a crane in front of the wheelhouse, other than that it looks fine.

This picture shows two of the boats with 25mm crews - as can be seen they don't really do the job - 20mm or smaller is their limit.

 One thing about this is little project is that it demonstrates the differences between just going ahead and making things without planning and actually thinking things through. Differences between these and future models:

I'll make and paint them in modular form rather than make them in one. Examples would be for painting superstructures, for instance.

For some reason I forgot about the decking I'd made up for the tealight ironclads - the decking sheets would be ideal for these.

Possibly put card facings on the superstructures? - the balsa I'm using is generally quite coarse and doesn't file/sandpaper down well. It tends to just fray!

Overall assessment? The boats are quick and easy to make. They fill a gap well and have proved well worth the effort.


  1. They look great and hopefully you were planning to use them with 20mm figures all along?! I doubt they would work well with 15mm that case, they woukd be far too big? But tge two figures in the yellow wet weather gear long ok perfect!

    1. I was thinking more 1/87th rather than 15mm/1/100th.But yes, the whole idea has been to scale these to 20mm figures.

  2. Definitely worth your time and effort!

  3. These look excellent...I can imagine the sea round them teeming with amorphous horrors.
