Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Friday 4 August 2023

A village in England

 Just not our England....

Mostly my recently acquired 1/76th scale Scenix buildings. Other items are from a very wide range of sources - the haystacks were probably bought in the 80s or 90s.

View from the other side of the village. I think I picked up the white house from a charity shop.

View of the main village from behind the pub and terraced houses.. Nothing else I can really say about it.

The wood includes some 15mm trees I 've had for decades. My table is covered in green carpet tiles; they're doing a good job here!

Fences and most of the hedging are 28mm items bought on ebay a few years ago.

I'm using this as a village hall today. If you look carefully at some other pictures you'll notice I had originally put the hedge all the way round so you couldn't get in.

Picture of the terraced houses plus one row of shops. I fully intend to get more of these. The green shed is one I made from card. Pillar box is Admins, street lights and telegraph poles can't remember where I got them.

Back of the pub, White House and village hall. I've got a load of A3/A4/A3 mdf boards sprayed grey (plus some sprayed white and others blue - must do some proper boards!) - I've used these as bases for the houses and pavements. Crude, simple but effective.

So ready for... something... to happen...


  1. Very English , I wonder what's going to happen ?

  2. Looks fantastic Rob (though it needs a OO railway in my opinion!)

    1. That's a thought. Got one lying around...

  3. Meteor strikes. That's where my money is. Good looking, peaceful.

    1. Meteor's a British jet. More likely something German:)

  4. Very nice indeed railway required ( refer Dr Beeching) and re no access to village hall...that's ok, no one ever goes there or uses them anyway!

    1. Not true. Whenever you visit a 'scenic' village the village hall usually has a very useful car park. It provides a good meeting place for the village hall commitee and every now and then they're used as polling booths. Plus if there's no Scout hut they might be used for that as well.

    2. Lol....I was basing my comment on the village hall of my youth in St Cyrus (look it up) ....I am sure it was rarely used 😜

    3. Looked it up. Rarely used - disbanded local community council in 2015...

  5. Looks great, and a 'real' village rather than a 'chocolate-box' ,thatched cottages one.
    Are there by chance some suspiciously large tomatoes growing in one of the gardens? :)

    1. I've succumbed and ordered more buildings - farmhouse, another terraced house and a barn... 20mm rather than the sort of 32mm of the Crooked Dice and tomatoes figures.

  6. A nice quiet place… so… Nazi Zombie Killer Tomatoes from the Deep… ???

    All the best. Aly

    1. CP Models do 1/72nd Nazi Zombies...few of them plus killer tomatos as heavy weapons might work...
