Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Friday 25 August 2023

Monsters, Robots and People

Not getting much done at the moment - Steven's here for a few days, he's had a day diving, we went to Hunstanton, Watatunga and stock car racing. Add to that internet and ride on mower issues, it's been slow. However, did this lot as initial test painting jobs on the two sets of cheap figures. They look to be more of a bargain every time I look at them and would seriously be worth spending more painting time than I'm giving them! As it is, for low cost budget figures with a basic paint job they will fill out various ranges quite nicely!

Some very useful robots. They also have a lot of conversion potential.

I admit I really like the humans. They deserve much better paint jobs but their 45-50mm size limits their use.

Like these. They have a lot of potential in a number of ways.

The monsters I really like. The white faced creature I see as 'dream' creatures - haven't decided on a 'final' colour scheme for these. The Cthulhu Mythos type figure I may do a better paint job on the next one - a few of these would make a really nice invasion/infestation force for Newhaven. The purple creature - two different variations, with mixed colours I see these as making up a good alien 'herd' for Mythos lands.

 So that's the first batch. They take paint well and are very effective. Most of the figures in the two sets I can see a use for both as individuals and in small groups. I'm really rather pleased with these two sets.


  1. These have painted up really well and fit the cartoon style of the characters. I was so tempted by these figures in your last post I bought a tube of each figures “to put away in the Christmas cupboard” - no hefty shipping to the UK either.

    1. They do paint up well. I even thought about doubling up - some potential units in the tubes - but finally decided against it.

  2. These came out great! I have long lamented the short stature of the humans - they work fine on their own but not with much else I have. I do like the robots and aliens and they look like they might blend with 54mm, but just not as imposing as they might otherwise be.

    1. The girl with the rolling pin is about 50mm so scales out as about 5'6" in 54mm scale. Strangely the males are 45mm so would be about 5' tall. The other two human types in the tube are likewise 50mm.So 3 of the figures should be reasonably compatible with 54mm.
