Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Saturday 18 August 2018

Something a bit like the Battle of the Apocryphal Well -Set up

A bit like, trying to scale a 9'x7' battle down to 4'x4' table while using a different rule set and terrain...

OK, the Battle of the Apocryphal Well is one of the battles in The Ancient War Game.  Assyrians versus Egyptians, Egyptians won. Being a while since I've done any Ancients, I just felt that I wanted to do something, this won out over Thymbra which (hopefully) is not going to be that far off... As Thymbra will be an all-Garrison affair I decided it would only be right for The Apocryphal Well to be all-Minifigs. Most of the figures are ones acquired from Harry, the Assyrian Ax are an Internet buy and a lot of the Egyptian light archers are ones I bought, stripped and repainted.

One problem I've sometimes had in the past has been working out which moves were which when I tried to sort out the after-battle photos. I'm therefore trying something - labelling every move. This may be a benefit or it may be just too intrusive - soon see.

On scaling, I roughly halved the number of figures in each unit and converted that to the nearest(ish) DBA elements. It was a pretty rough series of estimates. As the Assyrians didn't originally have a general figure (?) I added an Assyrian general in a chariot and also gave the Egyptians an 'extra' chariot for their general - ie, they should have had 4 chariots, gave them 5. I also let the Assyrians have their full complement of Spears rather than half to help counterbalance the shortage of Assyrian element numbers and the fact that the Assyrian Spears are armoured whereas the Egyptians aren't. The final figure worked out at 35 Assyrian elements facing 42 Egyptians.

The initial set up
The Assyrians
The Egyptians

Most of the figures are straight from Harry's collection. The General's chariot is one of my conversions - cataphract horses, Garrison Assyrian chariot wheels, 2 of the crew converted Garrison with a Minifigs 'S' Range officer.
The Egyptian chariots.

Unit sizes aren't compatible with the requirement so the extra element needed has been provided by a slinger element.

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