Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Getting closer.

As the Boxers approach from one side of the board...

The cavalry cross the bridge on their patrol.

Meanwhile one company of the Highlanders leave the fort, their tour of duty over. A replacement company should have arrived to replace them but it's overdue. No matter - it's a quiet sector, one infantry company plus a cavalry squadron should be more than enough!

Not quite in sight of each other yet - still part of a hill in the way.

The cavalry haven't seen the Boxers so the squadron splits as it carries out it's job of checking the village is quiet. Not sure if the Boxers have seen the cavalry yet!

And the 2nd infantry company get further away from the fort.


  1. Looks like it is all about to kick off, Rob! It's an interesting little scenario...looking forward to seeing how it develops.
