Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Steven and Admins

A while back I sent Steven a load of Admins figures - these are the excellent first results (genie looks a lot better than either I did!).

' Painting has taken a deliberate back seat for the past couple of weeks (I worried I was making it an
obligation rather than a hobby) but here are some of the Garrison Admins range I painted. Decided
to go for bright bold colours as a contrast and a change in routine to the more realistic WW2 stuff. I
tried out a comic-book style with thick black lines and hatching in the shaded areas. It was
interesting to paint the cartoon desert base for the genie. It sounds niche, but you can find a tutorial
for just about anything.
This was a fun little experiment. It won’t become my usual painting style, but I enjoyed the change.'



  1. Nice work...the paint job goes well with the cartoon style of the figures.

  2. They have come up really well, they look great. I wish the admin stuff was still available.
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. Nice ...I remember when this range was released and I rather poo pooed it as not being serious enough...the folly of youth. There was a nice range of shields I think, one of which which I'd like to get more of.

    1. Never really looked at the shields. The range has been badly sorted re Admin (pun not intended) and I'm currently trying to get an up to date mould list sorted - several 'missing'

  4. Thanks for the comments. I liked painting with bright colours for once
