Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Sunday 9 October 2022

Jacklex Naval Brigade


Not so much a Brigade, more a Detachment,

Probably all I'll do on single bases, thoughmight do a 24 strong batallion for DBX.

I've given the Gardner gun brass barrels to give a bit of relief from the assembly being all black.

At some stage I'll have to decide what to do about ship borne machine guns - what to make, what to buy!


  1. I like to toy soldier painted style, a splendid looking detachment.

  2. Nice toys Rob…

    I do like Jacklex miniatures… I really must get more of my ACW collection painted.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Very nice toys. My own Rose ACW makes it unlikely I'll ever get many of the Jacklex ACW other than spot figures.
