Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday 27 October 2022

1897 French artillery etc

Had word from Amazon that the Osprey Sino-Japanese War book has been delayed, so today's post is slightly different to what I intended...

Firstly. finished the 'not quite' French 1897ish artillery - Rose 20mm ACW gunners with a Parrot gun acting as a generic late 19th C piece! By mounting the gun on a DBX base and the crew on individual bases the guns can by used for both individual and element-based games.

Colour scheme was meant to be the same as my 42mm guns but found out I'd run out of both new and old wood paint. So I painted the guns green instead.

Meanwhile, continuing with the other two companies (or whatever) of  infantry.
And some Jacklex Russians and more Arabs have arrived while I wait for the release of the Chinese.



  1. The light blue gunner uniforms are quite eye catching. I like'em!

    1. Ditto. Can't remember where I got the scheme from now, but French uniform blue seems to have had a lot of variation anyway!

  2. The gunners look damn fine to me…
    The rest of the infantry will also look spiffing after a sensible coat of gloss.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you. The style certainly suites the figures and the use they are intended for.
