Bit of a difference with this game over the Greek/Persian one which lasted 3 moves!
In the infantry shoot out, both sides having problems. However, the French Chasseurs are learning. |
On the French right, the guns have arrived and the Carabiniers have seen off (destroyed) the surviving Landwehr - left here as the route goes in every direction - I diced to see who the Carabiniers would 'follow'. |
Infantry on the Prussian right are having reverses on both sides - but the French are coming worse off. |
An overview shows that the French, having two cavalry squadrons across the river and guns in position, are starting to gain the upper hand. |
At this point the Prussian left is looking very shaky. |
The centre is definitely going Prussia's way... |
With the cavalry threat on the Prussian right the infantry are forced to form square... |
Despite being shot at by two guns and charged by the Carabiniers the Prussian left flank gun survives! |
At this point the game had finished 17 moves! As most standard 'days' are around 12 moves, and as this battle was far from finished, I decided that the best option was to say that night had fallen. During the night the Prussians quietly slipped away... on balance, probably just a French win - they had a foothold on the Prussian side of the river - but the Prussians had held them up and left with most of the army intact.
Lots learnt from it. Obvious ones - the French needed an extra infantry battalion, I should possibly increase movement rate of limbered artillery, plus it might be an idea to sort some formal rules regarding squares. I made no use of the buildings in this game - again, perhaps I should sort out some rules for that. The river made a big impact but the rules there worked pretty well - those lancers were going back and forth like a yo yo as they 'broke' and routed under fire, but kept coming back as there were no negative factors around to stop them rallying - perhaps I need to limit the number of rallies?