Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Corps VIII - the Indians.

 Actually Corps VIII of the infantry, Corps IV of the cavalry, and there shouldn't really be any chariots or elephants. The originator and painter is cedited as Roger Moores (see  nice-and-very-old-elephant and chariots-power-to-weight-ratio. )

 Quite a nice force in it's own right, plus I've got a few more unpainted infantry

Although described as Indian chariots, they are, in fact, more of the Persian types that seem to crop up all over the place. I've also ordered a 'modern' 4 horse chariot which may finish up getting 'old' horses.
Elephants seem to be early PB Range from the days when they were still classed as 'S' Range.

More crew needed -I've ordered a 'modern' Minifigs Porus figure, see if that does the job.


  1. I have some Greek and Romans that I am not sure if they are s range Minifigs. The problem is there are so few picture references to check them against.
    I have Some Persian, Macedonian and Indian armies of the early eighties which are PB range.

    1. Greeks are not usually a problem as the PB Range are completely different to the S Range figures. Romans can be - quite a few figures simply changed codes.
