Assyrian army

Assyrian army

Monday, 5 January 2015


Or, my Christmas project.

Already had the horse archers painted and thought it might be an idea to add a few lancers. They still need some work, including basing and varnishing, but I'm getting there.

This will never be a big army; possibly a couple more units of cavalry and a few infantry, so it should be completed by the end of this year. Of course, I've said similar things before... Possibly I'll use it as  an 'Arthurian' force in a future battle with some of my Irregular Romans facing hordes of Celts (rather than Saxons)?

 Lancers covered by horse archers. Perhaps another unit of each as a basic army, with one of the horse archer units being in a 'close' formation?
 The horse archers were not originally issued by Garrison.  I found the master and made two different one-piece castings of the figure - one on an armoured horse, one unarmoured.
  The lancer is the original Garrison figure. I will probably do a third unit on unarmoured horses. Never been able to work out how to paint horn armour so I always do them with metal armour!
The standard bearer was originally just the lancer with a standard instead of the lance.


  1. I quite like these. They could also serve as Roman auxiliaries or Celts vould stand in as Dacian allies. But I'm also thinking they could stand in for Massagatae vs Cyrus.

    1. The horse archer as it stands has lots of uses. The lancer has served as a conversion - removed bowcase, added sword or mace, cut down robes a bit and it's now my generic cataphract.

  2. These figures are great! and a must have in anyone's collection....


  3. Spendid figures. Lovely painting.

    What a treat.


    1. Thank you for that, though I'm well aware that my painting skills are no longer what they were!
